Measure A

Biker on the American River bike trailAs part of an overall strategy to generate additional, long-term and stable funding for the operation and maintenance of the American River Parkway Jedediah Smith Memorial Trail, the Department of Regional Parks was selected to receive $1 million each year for the next 30 years from the Sacramento Transportation Authority in 2009 through Measure A funds.

Measure A funds are restricted for use on commuter projects such as repairs and capital improvements to the bike trail, increased maintenance and additional ranger patrols.

Every year in June, a list of planned improvements will be posted.  Construction work may result in temporary detours along the trail, and here you will find current information about possible disruptions and detours.

Learn more about Measure A at For information about Measure A Regional Parks projects, please call 916-875-6961 or e-mail at

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 Measure A- American River Parkway - 2009-2014 Projects List

Area Trail

Thermal cracking in the pavement was sealed and repaired, and an approximately 1/2 mile-long stretch of the main bike trail was overlaid with new asphalt. The levee
spur trail from River Walk Way and the Harringt​on Access parking lot connector spur were also repaved. 

Estimate -

Actual -


Mile 16.5
Fence Removal

Approximately 1.5 miles of chain link​​ fence near Hagen Park was removed. ​

Estimate -

Actual -

April 2010​

Mile 16.5
Removal -
Phase II

Approximately 0.4 miles of chain link fence just downstream from Hagen Park was also removed.

Estimate -

Actual -

May 2010​

Bannister Trail
Tree Work
As per arborist report and recommendations, approximately 12 trees that were dead and/or hazardous were removed. Dead and hazardous limbs were also trimmed and
cleared from above the trail.​

Estimate -

Actual -

April-May 2010​

View Environmental Documents​

Mile 22

Downstream from Hazel Fish ​​Hatchery, approximately 350 linear feet of dry-stacked boulder retaining walls were installed to push cobble piles off the trail and make room for decomposed granite (D.G.) shoulders. Minor grading was also conducted along the shoulder to smooth and level the area in order to make room for D.G. shoulder.​

Estimate - $87,500

Actual - $78,451​

July 2010​

View Environmental Documents

Project Complete
Old Fair Oaks Bridge Repairs

Surface of bridge deck was repaired through the addition of heavy-duty wood screws to help secure boards and preve​​nt them from coming loose.​

Estimate - $17,000

Actual - $14,238​

May 2010​

Project Complete
Upper River Trail Repairs and Striping​

Remove tree roots, repair cracking and buckling, and re-stripe upper trail - approxima​tely from the Harold Richie Bridge (River Bend Park), upstream.​

Estimate $15,000​

June - July 2010​

Project Complete
Lower Sunrise Picnic Area Restroom

A new, pre-fabricated restroom building will replace the existing one at the Lower Sunrise Picnic Area. Along with the restroom, the project includes installation of a concrete walkway around the building and to the existing asphalt path. A new dr​​inking fountain will be located on the restroom building.​

Estimate -  $150,881​

Aug - Sept 2010​

View Environmental Documents​

Project Co​mplete
Mile 8 & 11.5 Drainage Improvements​

Project entails removing existing, ineffective and hazardous drainage basins within the bike trail. Several gravel sumps will be installed as replacements to hel​p alleviate drainage problems, including flooding of the trail.​

Estimate - $8,425​

Sept - 2010​

Project Complete

Howe to Watt Ave. Trail Repairs​

Bike trail will be gro​​und in place and repaved. Project includes the removal of tree roots that are heaving the asphalt and removing dead trees and hazardous limbs, as per arborist recommendations by DERA. Decomposed granite will be added as necessary to widen shoulders where allowable and bring up to grade.​

Estimate - $210,000​

Sept - Oct  2010​

View Environ​mental Documents​

Project Complete
Miles 16 & 20 Erosion and Shoulder Improvements

Conduct bank stab​ilization, shoulder repairs, drainage improvements and erosion control with geo-textile material and vegetative cover.​


Aug - Oct 2010​

Construction expected to begin in late August. Trail will remain open, and only minor disruptions are expected during construction.​

William B. Pond Area Trail Repairs​

The section of trail from where the Harrington Area Trail Repairs project ended, upstrea​​m to the Harold Richie Bridge, will be ground in place and repaved.  Decomposed granite will be added as necessary to widen shoulders where allowable and bring up to grade.​

Estimate - $120,000​


Plans to be completed 2011-2012.​

Bannister Trail Repairs​

Project entails conducting repairs to the asphalt trail, both from tree root heaving/cracking and from other structural problems. Repairs will include grinding the existing asphalt in place and repaving the trail. Decomposed g​ranite will be added as necessary to widen shoulders were allowable and bring up to grade.​

Estimate - $140,000​


View Environmental Documents​

Environmental review complete. Plans to be completed 2011-2012.​

Lower Harrington Area Trail Repairs​

The portion of th​​e trail from Harrington Way, downstream (+/- 1.5 miles in length), will be repaved to repair existing cracking in the asphalt.​

Estimate - $158,650​

Summer 2013​

In planning and development.​

Ethan Way Levee Spur Trail Repair

Grind and replace existing connector trail, from top of levee down to main trail. Decomposed granite will be added to the existing shoulders on either side of the tr​ail, and minor drainage improvements will be conducted.​

Estimate- $44,000​


Plans to be completed 2011-2012.​

PCA Bridge - Trail Approaches​

Project to include​ installation of Armor Flex type erosion control mats along the banks of the trail to help alleviate scouring of the trail sides and bank erosion.​

Estimate Incomplete​


In planning and development.​

Cordova Creek Railing Replacements​

Metal railings​​ along the box car bridge at Cordova Creek will be replaced.​


Winter 2012​

In planning and development.​

El Manto Picnic Area Restroom​

The propo​​sed project is to install a new, pre-fabricated restroom building at the El Manto picnic area. Along with the restroom, the project includes installation of concrete walkway around the building and to existing asphalt path, a bike rack and a new drinking fountain.​

Estimate - $138,000​


View Environmental Documents​

Environmental review complete. Plans in development.

Mile 10.5 & 18 Shoulder Improvements

Plans are to widen shoulders in these areas where allowable, including the installation o​f retaining walls to pull soil banks away from the trail.​

Estimate $67,725​


In planning and development.​

Mile 20 Low Point Terracing (erosion control)​

This project entails terracing the area with several low boulder retention walls to p​​revent erosion of the trail shoulder during peak storm events.​

Estimates incomplete​


In planning and development.​

 *Estimated cons​​truction costs do not include planning, environmental review, construction inspection, consultants or other project administration costs.