Our Rangers are experts on the Parkway, traveling the back trails 365 days a year. They can find you quickly during an emergency and our dispatch staff can send a ranger your way or contact the proper emergency operators fast and efficiently.
Know Your Parkway Rangers
Ranger Stewardship Program designates which Ranger covers what territory along the American River Parkway.
Before you visit our parklands, write down the
916-875-PARK (7275) dispatch number and carry it with you. (also posted on entrance kiosks and on ranger vehicles.) This dispatch number is staffed from sunrise to two hours after sunset year-round.
You can also report certain crimes that occur in regional parks (such as vehicle theft and vandalism) through the County Sheriff's online reporting website.
Pursuant to SB 978, you can
view the Policy Manual for Sacramento County Regional Parks Rangers online.
Call 916 - 875-PARK (7275) For:- Accidents
- Law enforcement issues
- Maintenance issues (vandalism, etc.)
- Fire
- Potential wildlife issues
- Dogs off their leashes
- Other safety issues
|  Chief Ranger, Leonard Orman
Ranger Dispatch:
916-875-PARK (7275)
Business/information line
916 - 875-6961
AB 481 Military Equipment Inventory
California Assembly Bill No. 481 (AB 481), authorized by Assembly Member David Chiu and approved by Governor Newsom on Sept. 30, 2021, addresses the funding, acquisition, and use of military equipment. AB 481 added Chapter 12.8, Section 7070 through 7075 of the Government Code. Under the letter of the law, AB 481 is not applicable to Sacramento County Regional Parks. However, in an effort of providing full transparency to the constituents of Sacramento County, SCRP has prepared a listing of Military Equipment Inventory utilized by SCRP in accordance with AB 481. The Military Equipment Inventory will be received and filed by the Recreation and Park Commission at its May 25, 2023 meeting.