Current Fee Schedule for Regional Parks
Vehicle Entrance Fees: If no one is working at the entrance kiosk, be sure to self-pay your vehicle; look for the self-payment stand. Park rangers strictly enforce self-payment and will ticket vehicles not displaying payment stub.
Exact change is recommended. |
Vehicles with Trailers (ex. Boat or Horse) or RVs
| $13
Bus (seating capacity of 10 or more)
| $28
Summer Holiday Weekend Vehicle Fees are increased an additional $3 on the following dates: Easter Sunday, April 17 (2022) Memorial Day Weekend: May 28, 29, and 30 4th of July Holiday and Weekend, July 4-7 Labor Day Weekend: August 30 - September 2
Annual Parks Pass
| |
Vehicle pass
| $70
Vehicle with trailer (ex. Boat or Horse) or RV (private or
| $130
Low Income Annual Parks Pass (Application & Proof of Eligibility Required) | |
Low income vehicle pass
| $12
Low-income Vehicle with trailer (ex. Boat or Horse) or RV
| $50
Senior Citizen Vehicle
| $35
Senior Citizen Vehicle with Trailer
| $65