About The Commission

Their mission is to promote, aide and encourage public recreation and community​ involvement, as well as oversee the maintenance, development and operation of all recreation areas and facilities in the County Parks system. The Recreation and Park Commission serves as the Department's Fish and Game Commission. 

Commissioners are appointed by the Board of Supervisors to serve a term of four years, or until their successor is appointed. 

For questions, comments and suggestions contact the Recording Clerk at 916-875-6961 or via e-mail at parksinfo@saccounty.net.

Current Recreation and Park Commissioners:

1st District
​Chris Shultz

2nd District
Becky Herz

3rd District
William Hambrick

4th District   
Claudia Goss

5th District 
Dan Gonzales  

View Meeting Agendas and ​Materials​​

The Commission is tasked with protecting the astonishing variety of wildlife that lives on the Parkway