American River Parkway Natural Resources Management Plan (NRMP)
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors approved the American River Parkway Natural Resources Management Plan on February 28, 2023.
The NRMP was prepared as a guidance document for management of the natural resources of the American River Parkway. The NRMP is framed by and supplements the American River Parkway Plan (ARPP), which is the state and federal Wild and Scenic River management plan, to ensure that the American River Parkway's (Parkway) resources, its environmental quality and natural values are protected. The NRMP management activities represent a coordinated and cooperative effort that incorporates feedback from local stakeholders and agencies with jurisdiction within the Parkway.
History and Background
In 2008, the Sacramento County Department of Regional Parks began a process to develop an NRMP for the Parkway. The original NRMP Stakeholder Committee (Committee) worked with Regional Parks from 2008 to 2010. The Committee was charged with gathering and evaluating natural resource data in order to provide recommendations to both protect and to improve the health of the Parkway's ecosystems and natural values. Although a final document was never completed, this Committee accomplished many important goals including baseline ecosystem mapping of the Parkway. The baseline mapping delineated the Parkway by ecosystem types, with an evaluation of current health, trends and threats in each area.
The Committee also identified high-value resources as well as degraded areas that could be improved. The Committee made preliminary recommendations for Parkway management, including identifying opportunities for protecting identified high-value resources and opportunities for creating desired habitat in degraded areas.
In 2014, the Department reinitiated the NRMP effort with the goal of creating a document that would be aligned with the goals and policies of the 2008 American River Parkway Plan. A new Stakeholder Committee convened in the spring and summer of 2015 to develop a set of recommended draft Plan Specifications to provide the guidelines and parameters of a Scope of Work. The final NRMP Plan Specifications include all of the Stakeholder developed specifications with supplementary specifications added by Sacramento County Regional Parks staff.
Files for Download
The Final NRMP, the SEIR, the Regional Parks 5-year implementation plan, and responses to public comments on the draft plan can be downloaded below either as a complete document or as indicated. The files provided are the smallest file size available.
Natural Resources Management Plan
Subsequent Environmental Impact Report
The SEIR for the final NRMP can be found on the County's Planning Projects Viewer.
Five-Year Implementation Plan
View the five-year Implementation spreadsheet.
Presentation to the Board of Supervisors, February 29, 2023
View the Board Presentation.
To request a higher quality version of the NRMP or specific chapters or appendices or make other inquiries about the NRMP document please email: ParksInfo@SacCounty.gov.