American River Parkway Advisory Committee


​The American River Parkway Advisory Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Sacramento County Recreation and Parks Commission and the Director of Regional Parks on a variety of issues related to the American River Parkway including but not limited to: 

  • The maintenance, development and operation of the American River Parkway
  • Promoting, aiding and encouraging public understanding of the special natural values of the Parkway
  • Ensuring the preservation of the natural environment
  • Providing limited developments to facilitate human enjoyment and public recreation in the American River Parkway, in accordance with the American River Parkway Plan.​

​American River Parkway Advisory Committee - Updated February 2024


Greg Dewey

American R​​iver N​at​ural History Association​

Mark Berry

Save the American River Association

Dianna Poggetto

American River Parkway Foundation


California Native Plant Society

Debra Banks

Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates (SABA)

​​Larry Hickey

Sacramento Audubon Society

Kelly Hopkins

Sacramento Valley Conservancy

​​Peggy Kennedy

Sierra Club, Mother Lode Chapter 

​​Leigh Rutledge

District 1, Phil Serna

​​Matthew Burnette

District 2, Patrick Kennedy

​​Chris Little

District 3, Rich Desmond

Amie Brown

​Dis​trict 4, Rosario Rodriguez 

​​Jenny Smith

District 5, Pat Hume

Shawn Harrison

Soil Born Farms

Sue Fossum

ARP Equestrian Patrol

Alex Harold​


​Scott Abbott

Sacramento Running Association​

​View Meeting Agendas and Materials

View Meeting Agendas and Materials (Before April 1, 2015) 

How to make an electronic public comment:

Email the Clerk at Include agenda item number and it is optional to include first and last name.