The Sacramento County Park Rangers are organized so that each Ranger has ownership and provides stewardship of a particular area of the
American River Parkway. The
Ranger Stewardship Map identifies each Ranger and the territory they cover. Rangers are available by email (see below) if you want to communicate a concern or an issue or point out a problem along their section of the Parkway. Rangers will acknowledge your email and respond to the concern as soon as possible. Rangers are fully sworn officers and have authority in dealing with crime and disorder, vandalism, graffiti, and other enforcement issues. Maintenance concerns or any other situations relating to the enhancement or quality of the Parkway can be brought to their attention.
When you contact us:
- Please be specific about the location of your concern. Rangers will be able to respond more efficiently.
- Mile markers are located along the Parkway. Use them to locate your position.
- Remember, if the situation is an emergency, call 9-1-1.
Thank you,
Leonard Orman
Chief Ranger
Upper American River Parkway
Area Commander
Sarah Court to Sailor Bar
Chase Drive Access to Hazel
Middle American River Parkway
Area 1 Commander
Watt Avenue to Riverbend
Campus Commons to William B Pond
Lower American River Parkway
Area Commander
Cal Expo to Campus Commons
Archery Range to Camp Pollock
Lower River
Area 2 Commander
Sutter's Landing to Watt Ave.
Discovery Park/Bannon Island/Twin Rivers Trail
Regional Parks
Area Commander
Delta Properties/Deer Creek Hills/Mather Preserve
Rio Linda/Dry Creek