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There are many local parks in Sacramento County that are not overseen by the Department of Regional Parks. These links below can lead you to more information about your local parks.
Park Name
Park address
Amundson Park
Heritage Hill Drive
Baker Park
Elk Grove Boulevard
Bartholomew Park
Lakepoint Drive
Batey Park
Seasons Drive
Beeman Park/Senior Center
Sharley Avenue
Berens Park
Mosher Road
Betschart Park
Adobe Spring Way
Bradford Park
Springview Drive
Camden Parkway
Cooperston Drive
Camden Drive
Case Park
Old Creek Drive
Castello Park
El Toreador Way
Caterino Park
Windy Cove Drive
Colton Park
Laguna Spring Way
Davis Park
Laguna Star Drive
Del Meyer Park
Elk Grove-Floring Road
Elk Grove Regional Park
Elk Grove-Florin Road
Feickert Park
Emerald Vista Drive
Fite Park
Careyback Drive
Fite Park Extension
Thira Way
Fleming Park
Salmon Creek Drive
Foulks Park
Trenholm Drive
Gates Park
Mainline Drive
Gutteridge Park
Laguna Brook Way
Hawkin Park
Bastona Drive
Henderson Park
W Taron Drive
Herburger Park
Peninsula Way
Hill Park
Porta Rosa Way
Houde Park
Club Park Circle
Hrepich Park
Black Kite Way
Johnson park
Lakepoint Drive
Johnston Park
Bellaterr Drive
Jones Park
Shasta Lily Drive
Jungkeit Park
Fire Poppy Drive
King Park
Babson Drive
Kokomo Park Site
Kokomo Drive
Kloss Park
Laguna park Drive
Kramer Park
Orchard View Drive
Laguna Community Park
Bruceville Road
Laguna Creek Greenbelt
Laguna Park Drive
Lawrence Park
Lawson Park
Renwick Avenue
Lichtenberger North Park
Lichtenberger South Park
Kilconnell Drive
Lippencott Park
Renwick Avenue
Lombardi Park
Garrity Drive
MacDonald Park
Spring Azure Way
McConnell Park
Hampton Oak Drive
Mendoza Park
Polhemus Drive
Miwok Park
Village Tree Drive
Mix Park
Goldy Glen Way
Morse Park
Bellaterra drive
Nottili Park
East Taron Drive
Oneto park
Hidden Hollow Court
Pederson Park
Laguna Oaks Drive
Perry Park
Brown Road
Raul Park
Elk Grove-Florin Road
Rose Park
Frye Creek Drive
Russell Park
Grove Street
Simpson Park
Crisswell Drive
Smedburg Park
Emerald Park Drive
Strong Park
Bay Point Way
Underwood Park
Bond Road
Van Doren Park
Neponset Drive
Wachman Park
Laguna Quail Drive
Womack Park
Castleview Drive
Aehnder Park
Neosho Drive
Zimbelman Park
Big Horn Boulevard