E. coli - Monitoring and Swimming Status

**Check the Monitoring Map to see E.coli levels before entering the American River – and, in any recreational water, practice safe swimming habits.**​

E.Coli Information

  • Every lake, stream or river can have bacteria – including E. coli, which is found in the intestines of mammals – from wildlife to humans
  • Escherichia coli (E. coli) are bacteria that live in the intestines of people and animals. There are hundreds of different strains of E.coli and only a few of them are causes of disease. Some E. coli strains are pathogenic, meaning they can cause illness, either diarrhea or illness outside of the intestinal tract.
  • The State’s Central Valley Water Board is conducting a yearlong study to help determine the source of E. coli in the Lower American River.

The following healthy water habits are recommended:

  • ​Actively supervise children and pets in or near water
  • Avoid algae blooms (brightly colored water) and trash in the water
  • People with immuno-suppressive diseases should avoid direct contact with the river
  • Wash hands/shower after swimming
  • Do Not
    • Drink river water
    • Cook or wash dishes with river/lake water
    • Change diapers in or near water
    • Swim when you are sick
    • Enter the water if you have cuts or open sores. These are pathways for bacteria to enter your body
    • Enter the water for several days after a significant rainstorm. Storm flows spike bacteria levels, which decrease with time